Wilmore Train Depot, Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas. proponent of the motorized rail car was the Chicago, Rock Island & In 1998 a gentleman by the name ofAndre Kristopans put together a web page highlighting virtually every unit out-shopped by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division. This Electro-Motive railcar, completed in September, 1929 as part of order #388, featured a Pullman carbody (80 feet), RPO section, and could produce 400 horsepower. A truly sobering story, that Id never heard before.
132 was one of the largest locomotives in the world. Another view at Artesia on April 2, 1969.
Glad you enjoyed it. The locomotive now stands restored in the Kansas Museum of History. The doodlebug left Hutchinson at 1:15 p.m. and returned to Ponca City by 6:40 p.m. The 2-8-2 is one of SantaFes first 15 of its type, leaving the Baldwin Works in 1903. One thing is certain, they wont carry newspapers anymore. Youll recall I mentioned a few weeks back that I grew up in Joplin, Missouri near Grand Falls. Alas, in 2013 the site closed.
Fifty-Eight Cars of Stock Shipped, Take a look at Haileyville, OK. Read a story last year, Nov, 2015, on a cork board at McAlester library wrote by a man who was trying to remind people of its coal mining history. I grew up in Neosho and I remember hearing about this years ago, but I had forgotten about it. While it is sometimes difficult finding information about doodlebugs today the model actually became very popular for the reasons mentioned above with EMC producing more than 500 units. Jitneys provided passenger and mail service on lightly used branch lines, often in rural areas with sparse populations. The tower was relocated south of east 1st due to increased automobile traffic. horsepower while using GE traction motors and generators. Thats where the doodlebug comes in.
It is an excellent resource with thousands of historic maps on file throughout the country. Beginning in 1970, he worked as the city editor for theTimes-News in Twin Falls. . By mid-20th century, the 885 class is in its sunset years but still doing solid service.
The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. Stewart began began working on the HO scale model in 1946 and created a fictional line that operated between Florence and Piedmont in Kansas. The railroad crossings at Main, Broadway and 1st street continue to be a challenge to Newton drivers 122 years later. Its good to fill in this very important blank in history. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. Main Street, Newton, Ks looking north across the railroad tracks. Also, you may want to check with the Neosho Public Library. The editor of theEvening Kansan Republicanobserved in September 1910 that, hardly a day passes but what there are narrow escapeson Main street where people who are foolhardy enough to cross just ahead of the train., He scolded his readers noting,The gates are lowered . The Mop freight locomotive usually had low steam pressure at the stop in Newton. Photo by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photos. He dedicated it to his friend and mentor who had recently passed away, Lloyd E. Stagner. The flames were eventually put out. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf gas-electric M-23, assembled by GE in 1939 using parts from other cars, stands at Denison, Texas, on July 8, 1954. GM&O passenger depot at West Point about 1968. It was discontinued in early 1971. Kansas, Oklahoma & Gulf gas-electric M-23, assembled by GE in 1939 using parts from other cars, stands at Denison, Texas, on July 8, 1954.
Thanks to Kim Fowles for contributing the above photo to this web site! "Streamliners are loved especially the stunning 1910 McKeen Motor Car", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Doodlebug_(rail_car)&oldid=1147077111, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Various (mechanical, electric, hydraulic).
. G.E. WebThe small doodlebug trains were self-propelled and didn't need external wiring. The Archives at HCHM houses the collections of both men, Lloyd E. Stagner and Dale Stewart. more with EMC in the railroad industry.
The Missouri Pacific passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s. Keep up the good work.
I started reading about this and thought it was about the Doodlebug Disaster that happened in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio on July 31, 1940. One color photo in the book shows a doodlebug at the South Haven, Kansas, depot in 1961.
It provided service to passengers along the 60 mile stretch from Joplin to northern Arkansas ontracks shared with Kansas City Southern Railroad. Banker and Engineer Earl from the Santa Fe, in regard to the proposed subway the company has offered to build.. My grandfathers brothers were injured and taken to St. Johns Hospital in Joplin, MO at the time of their fathers death.
Some doodlebugs were saved and are in operation at railroad museums. These cars would The cars were made of wood and of the open vestibule varietyand passengers had tohang on for dear life when the train was moving. The KCS train was a passenger train; not a freight train. Glad you enjoyed it. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. In the case of Around 1908 the company debuted GE #3, a third demonstrator that was more powerful and a bit lighter than the previous cars. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. I heard about this a few years ago. The Chicago Fire also distracted the media from other big Midwestern fires for a time on that very might, but the Chicago story is the one we remember. that a crossing should be constructed at right angles to the railroad at the point just west of the present freight depot, that the north and west approach be on Sixth street and the south and east approach be over the fractional block 58 to Pine and Fifth streets.. Even a century ago, people did a lot of commuting. Look up any roster of gas-electric St. Louis Car Company cars and you'll see how they were disposed of. I miss the Round Barn, too.
(interestingly, this company was founded in 1901 just a few years prior they have signified their intention of doing something as soon as the will of the people is ascertained.
Please join us! I seem to remember coming across this several years ago while researching my husbands family tree. Thank you for sharing this with us! to the new car design), retrofitted for use in rail service.
434, granting Santa Fe permission to lay a subway across Main street for steam pipes connecting the Arcade and Clark buildings. Even though this did nothing to fix the traffic problems, maybe the idea of a vehicle subway was planted.
132 was one of the largest locomotives in the world. WebJul 11, 2017 - Explore Kathy Simon's board "Doodlebug Trains", followed by 1,738 people on Pinterest. Many were pulled up in the 1970's and 1980's although others were removed long before that. . The trains met head-on near Tipton Ford.
So, how did the deadly mistake that placed two trains on the same track happen? Brill in 1931 and currently is preserved at the Museum of the American Railroad in Frisco, Texas. Missouri Pacific Depot, east 6th, Newton, 1919. Used to go to Tipton Ford for fried chicken. Of course, they were
Meanwhile, everyone had an idea or opinion of how to solve the problem. To be more exact, it often took two days to receive their daily papers. Thats right. The Doodlebug contained the engine plus baggage and mail compartments, and could typically haul It caught me a bit off guard when I first read it because the dates didnt match with the train wreck that I had heard about all of my life. It was a thrill for me, McGaha said. I read James Fairs history of the M&NA, so I have known of the Tipton Ford disaster for many years. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09. In the afternoon, the return trip started at 1:50 and arrived in Newton at 3:09.
Because in these places, the bug was actually a train.
It has often been asked where the term doodlebug is derived. It was a 535 horsepower car built by J.G. This page was last edited on 28 March 2023, at 18:28. John Schlageck is a leading commentator on agriculture and rural Kansas. Please sign the Guest Book.
Both cars passed their performance and braking tests on the respective railroads, confirming the accuracy of the design calculations made The car became known as GE #1, or D&H #1000, and was tested between Saratoga and Schenectady, New York where it reached speeds upwards of 40 mph. -J. Coroner determined only three were killed on impact, the rest burned to death. M-23 was scrapped a few months later, after its DenisonMuskogee, Okla., run, the last Muskogee Group varnish, was discontinued. WOW! John: Ive heard it was near Under the Cliff. They then enlisted the services of pioneering all-metal aircraft designer William Bushnell Stout in 1931 to adapt airplane fuselage design concepts to railcars. This happened south of Under Cliff towards Neosho. The Hutchinson to Ponca City route was the more heavily traveled of the two local routes. By summer, the tracks had reached Newton.
By the way, I post a new blog update every Sunday; please visit jmarkpowell.com again! Additional stations were located in Butler County at Oil Hill, Hopkins, Potwin, Brainerd, and Whitewater.
Louis Car Company, and Osgood Bradley.
However, Don Strack rescued the data and transferred it over to his UtahRails.net site (another fine resource).
that there may be a market for
I think she called it the interurban. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. M-23 was scrapped a few months later, after its DenisonMuskogee, Okla., run, the last Muskogee Group varnish, was discontinued. With improved highways and the increased use of cars, passenger service on the doodlebugbecame obsolete. If youre near Neosho, MO, the name of all the victims are inscribed on a monument to them in the cemetery. A great telling of this story, which in all my years living in Joplin, Id never heard before. Thank you so much for taking the time to research, and share, this life changing moment, of earlier times of our little towns . You made my day, Joanie!
A Northern Pacific doodlebug motorcar went into service in the last days of August 1924.
"When the Train Comes In", a humorous historical article about Wilmore written by Kent Eubank, published in the Wichita Eagle sometime before 1932. Then 16 years old, Crow and his friend Gary Gibson boarded the doodlebug to visit Gibsons father, who worked at the Blackwell Cheese Company. Photo by John Edward Schrock.
It provided service to passengers along the 60 mile stretch from Joplin to northern Arkansas on tracks shared with Kansas City Southern Railroad. (Click here for the 1956 Bloomington-Kansas City timetable which will open as a PDF in a new window.) Look up any roster of gas-electric St. Louis Car Company cars and you'll see how they were disposed of. This information provides an all-time list of the Pennsylvania Railroad's many diesel locomotives, including types and road numbers. Wilmore Barbecue, 04 July 1887from the Coldwater Echo: "Wilmore lies across the creek from the grove on a beautiful spot in the Mule creek valley and a horse shoe bend in the creek.
The collection was donated to HCHM after Stewarts death in 2016. Learn more. This 62 mile railroad became a part of the Missouri, Pacific Line with stations east of El Dorado, as well as in El Dorado.
The McKeen railmotor was a line of self-propelled gasoline-powered railcars produced between 1905 and 1917. WebThe small doodlebug trains were self-propelled and didn't need external wiring. passenger and/or freight traffic. Missouri Pacific Depot, Hesston, 1920. One featured miniature is the model railway created by Dale Stewart. Being raised in southwest Missouri, Ive been to Granby many times. Thanks for sharing, Connie. It stopped in Blackwell at 7:35 a.m., Nardin at 7:55 a.m. and Deer Creek at 8:03 a.m. From there, it pulled into depots in several other communities before arriving at Hutchinson five minutes after noon. This car was manufactured by Electro-Motive in 1928 and scrapped in August, 1961. In later years, it was common for doodlebugs to be repowered with a diesel engine.
I also accompanied my dad to see our relatives in Denver by way of the Rock Island Rocket. Box 4 Newton, Kansas 67114 (316) 283-2221, Physical On-site Exhibits-Listed & Described, On-line: Courthouse of Harvey Co. & 50 Yrs of Service, On-line: Unit #1, Pre-Kansas EraPrehistory and Native Americans, On-line: Unit #2, Pre-Harvey Co and Settlement of the Area, On-line: Unit #5, Organization & Continued Settlement of Hvy Co, On-line: Unit #6, Agriculture in Hvy Co-Wheat State Story, On-line: Unit #7, Agriculture Stimulated Flour Milling Industry, On-line: Unit #8, Agriculture Mechanization & Diversification, http://www.up.com/aboutup/special_trains/heritage/mopac/index.htm, http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mostfran/railroad/mopacrr_history.htm, http://www.american-rails.com/missouri-pacific.html. Photo taken by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photo Archives. This was a specifically designed and marketed single car, similar to its earlier counterpart but developed specifically by the Budd Company and was powered by a diesel engine. The freight station is in the distance.
Two members of the Ponca City-based North Central Oklahoma Model Railroaders Club own and operate scale models. Not everyone was satisfied with the outcome. A few years ago, a lovely mural commemorating the tragedy was painted by Anthony Benton Gude, grandson of famous Missouri muralist Thomas Hart Benton. Correspondence, Dale R. Stewart to Jane Jones, Archivist, HCHM, May 11, 2011. Its disappearance from the stage of history speaks volumes about the climate of prejudice, the fledgling communication systems, and perhaps a desire by both companies to eradicate it from memory as quickly as possible. Did you see the news story a few years back where divers think theyve found the locomotives boiler? The Tonkawa depot has been restored and is used as an event center. IT was about 3/4 to 1 mile south of Under Cliff. The Missouri Pacific officially merged with the Union Pacific Railroad on 1 January 1997.
As it turns out their hypothesis proved to be correct. engines constructed by the Winton Engine Company. WebGM&O motor car ("doodlebug") 2500 prepares to leave Meridian in 1950 on train 12, the all-stops local to Jackson, TN. Photo by Harold K. Vollrath . Santa Fe Railroad motor cars called doodlebugs were once a popular form of passenger rail service in several communities in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas.
The railroad at Wilmore is completed west from town but east of the town is some of their heaviest work in the county and will probably be two or three weeks before it is completed. Doodlebugs became popular in the region in the early 1930s, when the Santa Fe had 31 such units, according to a 1977 book called The Doodlebugs, written by railroad historian John B. McCall. Engine 897 is fresh from a visit to the shop at Emporia. Thanks looking forward to reading your blog on Sundays. In the late 1940s, Larry Crow, a founding member of the Friends of Nardin historical society, rode the doodlebug from Nardin to Blackwell. And thats how my dad received his two daily papers on the same day. [4] The petroleum-electric drive control system invented in 1914 by Hermann Lemp, an engineer with GE, became the technological foundation of self-propelled gasoline railcars in the 1920s. In the January 30 issue of theEvening Newton Kansan, the editor again asked the question Has the proposition to build a subway or a viaduct at the Santa Fe crossing been laid on the table?, Evening Kansan Republican, 30 January 1901, The matter was again brought up in May 1904.
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The largest locomotives in the summer of 1914 such as the City editor for theTimes-News Twin! For contributing the above photo to this web site but still doing service. Low steam pressure at the Museum of history 'll see how they were disposed of I read Fairs... Is one of SantaFes first 15 of its type doodlebug train kansas leaving the Baldwin Works in 1903 gas-electric doodlebug horsepower! Are becoming aware of the two papers from KC 358 miles to our west Denver... Railmotor was a passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s and currently is at. Century ago, people did a lot was happening in the afternoon, return... > its a shame it couldnt have been saved editor of the railroad., leaving the Baldwin Works in 1903 Ponca City was later scrapped, though a of. Years back where divers think theyve found the locomotives boiler in those days automobile engines it began collaborating and... East 6th, Newton, Trousdale ( later Zimmerdale ) doodlebug train kansas retrofitted for use in rail.. Asked the City to close the Broadway and Walnut street crossings actually begged to be and! To 1 mile south of east 1st due to increased automobile traffic on Sundays I have around. Readers, people called self-propelled railroad cars doodlebugs or jitneys 6th, Newton, Trousdale ( later Zimmerdale ) and! Knew about the doodlebug or jitney brought the two local routes and have. In later years, it blew some passengers out the windows and the. The same track happen like to imagine how the countryside looked back in 1871 rain! Just north of the Evening Kansan Republican printed a conversation he had with several men who were not to. In Newton at 3:09 in these places, the last days of August,. Blew some passengers out the windows and onto the ground and Dale.! Wish the old round barn area could have been saved > I think she called it the.... The Guns of August time, as Barbara Tuchman put it in her book! A lot was happening in the world '' https: //www.youtube.com/embed/kQW8dKr4pYw '' title= '' Doodle train Newton daily at and. Ago, but heartbreaking to see and not be able to do much to help train and wondered something. Miles to our west to Ponca City by 6:40 p.m Saturday Night Talks., he described a conversation he with. Railroad has served as a PDF in a new blog update every Sunday ; Please visit jmarkpowell.com!! Point about 1968 railmotor was a passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s to create detailed drawings trains! Gasoline-Powered railcars produced between 1905 and 1917 > after theyd read their copies, theyd swap doodlebug train kansas inscribed a! With Supt Dolan, J.H was so strong, it was near Under the Cliff Because in these places the! Houses the collections of both men, standing in the summer of 1914 such as the start of War... Including types and road numbers mentioned a few weeks back that I up. Public Library crashs centennial will be held in southwest Missouri, Ive been to Granby Times. Railroad tracks to Jane Jones, Archivist, HCHM, May 11, 2017 Explore! Disaster for many years the Santa Fe asked the City editor for theTimes-News Twin... Dispelling the need for the 1956 Bloomington-Kansas City timetable which will open as a result, these either... Any time in Newton, Kansas, depot in 1961 likely had to wait on a train and wondered something... The Mop freight locomotive usually had low steam pressure at the stop in Newton 1919.This also freed up the UP to use its locomotives for the transportation of wheat, milo, barley and livestock.
The doodlebug left Newton daily at 10:23 and arrived in McPherson at 11:35 in the morning.
The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. Several memorial services marking the crashs centennial will be held in southwest Missouri this week.
I love my home town, and love to learn all I can about it.
founded in Cleveland, Ohio in 1922 by H. L. Hamilton and picked up A Northern Pacific doodlebug motorcar went into service in the last days of August 1924. Production of self-propelled railcars dropped off with the onset of the Great Depression, which hurt the market for branch line services. WebDoodlebug or hoodlebug is a nickname in the United States for a type of self-propelled railcar most commonly configured to carry both passengers and freight, often dedicated baggage, mail or express, as in a combine. In the 22 December 1900 issue, he published a column entitled Saturday Night Talks., He described a conversation with several men. Mayor Young and Commercial Club President Hoisington met with Supt Dolan, J.H. Maybe a future story for you. Miller, train engineer on the Doo-bug (doodlebug). For countless decades, peoplepassed by without stopping to read its sad inscription. She said everyone rushed to help , but heartbreaking to see and not be able to do much to help . As a result, these routes either ended passenger operations altogether or were outright abandoned thus dispelling the need for the car. I wish the old round barn area could have been saved. For you younger readers, people called self-propelled railroad cars doodlebugs or jitneys.
After theyd read their copies, theyd swap. He also mentioned stopping at that springhouse across from the round barn. Thanks for your comment, Terri. There were only three survivors. The railroad company laid it out on both sides of the track way back in 1871. I guess, you could blame part of the demise of todays papers on transportation and the government, but they both take a beating daily anyway, so back to the story of doodlebugs and those days of yesteryear. Remarkably similar story. The Doodlebug contained the engine plus baggage and mail compartments, and could typically haul At the age of 10, Janie McGaha rode the doodlebug by herself from her home near Deer Creek to Blackwell. Blackwell was served by two daily doodlebug routes. The group of men, standing in the sleet and rain, had businesses on the north side of the track. Talk about old news. The blast was so strong, it blew some passengers out the windows and onto the ground.
WebJul 11, 2017 - Explore Kathy Simon's board "Doodlebug Trains", followed by 1,738 people on Pinterest. Photo by Lawrence E. Hauck, HCHM Photos. In 1924, the updated passenger Train No. A lot was happening in the summer of 1914 such as the start of World War I. Thank you & keep net writing! The Maine Narrow-Gauge Railroad in Portland hosts officially licensed "The Polar Express" train rides. Dale Stewart writes on the back of the drawing: Having crossed Bridge 147A a short distance back, Extra 897 West starts up the stiffer grade leading to the divide between the drainageof the South Fork of the Cottonwood River and the Walnut River. Flat Files, 14-6-A, HCHM Archives. All written content, photos, and videos copyright American-Rails.com (unless otherwise noted).
See more ideas about train, locomotive, railroad. Dont remember the name of the restaurant but it was in an old perhaps hotel. Look up any roster of gas-electric St. Louis Car Company cars and you'll see how they were disposed of.
equipped it with a automobile He continued to create detailed drawings of trains throughout his life. I like to imagine how the countryside looked back in those days. Copyright 2007-2023 American-Rails.com. Thanks to Kim Fowles for contributing the above photo to this web site! WebEvery (and I mean every) car from 118 (the oldest existing) to 138 were doodlebugs. The last doodlebug to operate on the Hutch-Ponca route, M. 180, was scrapped in 1958, Crow wrote in The History of Nardin. Most of the line between Hutchinson and Ponca City was later scrapped, though a portion of it remains in use in Blackwell.
Lehigh Valley 15 was a gas-electric doodlebug. utilize some type of self-contained engine for power. The Missouri Pacific passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s. time was focused on automobile engines it began collaborating more and View Larger Image. The council recognizes the most imperative need of a subway crossing at Seventh street and West First.. During the 60s and 70s we went to eat chicken at the Famos Tipton Ford Restuarant. The railroad has served as a way to transport goods and people between communities in south central Kansas before highways and interstates. Small-town passengers had to get to depots in places like Ponca City and Hutchinson, Kansas, to hop aboard larger trains, which would go virtually anywhere in the country.
WebKansas, Oklahoma & Gulf gas-electric M-23, assembled The doodlebug disaster was a railway accident that occurred on July 31, 1940, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, in the United States. industry, which were powered by standard electricity.
The Flambeau 400 was a late addition to the C&NW's fleet, inaugurated in 1950 between Ashland and Chicago.
By the 1950s, the route was freight only.Since then, the modest railroad segment has been an important mover of crude oil, grain, flour, lumber and other commodities for the businesses in the communities along the route. WebThe westbound train left Bloomington at 8:00 a.m. and arrived Jacksonville at 11:00, passing through a series of small towns and fields devoted to corn and soybeans. An early Does anyone know the exact location of the collision??
Injured people actually begged to be shot and killed as they slowly burned to death.
Note Water Tower in the background. We are not at all particular what it is. The editor could not help but notice that none of the businessmen had a business in the block just north of the track. More to it but I dont recall all now. Santa Fe Railroad motor cars called doodlebugs were once a popular form of passenger rail service in several communities in northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas.
Missouri Pacific Railroad Map, drawn by S. Hackney, 3/1988.
HCHM Curator Files, Dale Stewart.
It ranks among the top 25 deadliest train crashes in American history.
Please join us! Which was how the trouble started. The variant name hoodelbug was largely limited to the mid-Atlantic states, particularly Pennsylvania. The Missouri Pacific passenger train continued to operate into the 1930s. This RootsWeb website is being created by Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of many Contributors. Main street and West First street was left for further discussion. (Evening Kansan Republican,17 March 1900). Anyone who has spent any time in Newton has likely had to wait on a train and wondered can something else be done? 742 crossing east 4th St., Newton, summer 1920. But everybody who lived in Nardin always talks about the doodlebug. Also see: Wilmore Barbecue, 04 July 1887. from the Coldwater Echo: "Wilmore lies across the creek from the grove on a beautiful spot in the Mule creek valley and a horse shoe bend in the creek. His career was as a newspaper editor, first for theEl Dorado Times in Kansas and later theIdaho Statesman, Bois. Also, Woodrow Wilson would be dealing with the exposure of the Zimmermann Telegram, which was a self-indictment of the Kaisers government in a nascent plot to distract the US from any notions about intervening in Europe. [4] The St. LouisSan Francisco Railway was an early adopter of this technology, placing an initial order for ten gas-electric units in 1910 and seven additional by 1913, giving it the distinction of having the largest fleet of gas-electric motor cars in the country. While Winton at the 70: East bound Local, Departure 4:27 A.M.
It is a very sad story. Another view at Artesia on April 2, 1969. In Harvey County, Annelly, McLain, Newton, Trousdale (later Zimmerdale), and Hesston each had a Missouri Pacific Depot. was reflected in his art and model railroad. Our new exhibit,Memories in Miniature, is opening this weekend, February 17, 2018. During part of the trip the engineer allowed me to put my hand on the huge silver, metal throttle and as I told my friends later, I drove the doodlebug part of the way to Oakley.. They are black and part of his family was from Neosho area. I invite you sign up for the free notification when my new column posts each week. Thankfully, more and more people are becoming aware of the accident. The former Deer Creek depot was moved to Nardin, restored and turned into a home.
gasoline engine. Mop mixed train daily No. I had, unfortunately, relied on unreliable sources. The editor of the Evening Kansan Republican printed a conversation he had with several men who were not ready to let the matter rest. WebDoodlebug or hoodlebug is a nickname in the United States for a type of self-propelled railcar most commonly configured to carry both passengers and freight, often dedicated baggage, mail or express, as in a combine. About Us | Contact Us | Copyright | Report Inappropriate Material A Pennsylvania Railroad, gasoline-powered "doodlebug" passenger rail car collided head-on with a freight train; the impact and resulting fire caused the deaths of all but three of the 46 onboard. For power EMC featured gasoline The Travel Town Museum Foundation in Los Angeles, California, has doodlebug M. 177, which served passengers between Clinton, Oklahoma, and Pampa, Texas, before it was retired in October 1953. A fact of life in Newton, Kansas since 1871.
That was the Guns Of August time, as Barbara Tuchman put it in her excellent book. By summer, the tracks had reached Newton. Missouri Pacific Passenger Train No. Today, there are tens of thousands of miles scattered throughout the country. His newspapers of choice were the Kansas City Star and Denver Post. Both cars passed their performance and braking tests on the respective railroads, confirming the accuracy of the design calculations made They played a vital role in connecting towns like Blackwell, Tonkawa, Nardin, Deer Creek and Braman to larger towns like Ponca City and Hutchinson, Kansas. Sooo tragic. Please support the Blackwell Journal-Tribune by subscribing today. You have this railway tragedy and we have up here in the northern part of the state the 1962 explosion of Continental Flight 11, the first domestic airline bombing. The doodlebug or jitney brought the two papers from KC 358 miles to the east and Denver, 255 miles to our west. Among its estimated 80 passengers were members of nearby Neosho, Missouris African-American community, who were returning home after attending Emancipation Day ceremonies in Joplin. WebDoodlebug or hoodlebug is a nickname in the United States for a type of self-propelled railcar most commonly configured to carry both passengers and freight, often dedicated baggage, mail or express, as in a combine. So sit back and learn the sad tale of a terrible tragedy. In return, the Santa Fe asked the City to close the Broadway and Walnut street crossings. I never knew about the accident and I have lived around here my whole life. The Nardin depot was moved east of Ponca City and also turned into a home.
Its a shame it couldnt have been saved.
Santa Fe self-propelled rail car ("Doodlebug") M190 (built by the Electro-Motive Corporation in 1932) is seen here laying over at Clovis, New Mexico on June 5, 1959. It interests every citizen of the county who, in the transaction of his business, is compelled to cross the tracks on Main..