You can also access other basic data like playlist placements inside SymphonicMS. Here at MakeTechEasier, you will see her write about guides, tips, and solutions for Windows and iOS. It also shows you how energetic Having connected your Spotify account and chosen your sign, Zodiac Affinity will tell you which of the songs you listen to most are well matched to your zodiac sign.
Receiptify is a tool that displays your top 10 most played songs from the last month, 6 months and/or all time, in a receipt looking format. From the most-played tracks to the artists and the genres you listen to. But while youre still enjoying the benefits, heres a. Spotify Pie will analyze your Spotify listening habits and spit out a pie chart and word cloud. You are given a numerical rating based on your listening habits, with a lower score indicating a more underground pallette. Chosic is an online music discovery app that offers a suite of tools to expand your music horizons, including statistics for your Spotify profile and playlists. If youre into astrology or are just looking for a different way to look at your music, try Zodiac Affinity. How it works and get your percentage score here. On the Lite plan, you only get access to an artist overview, but there are some interesting features like career health (with social media performance, music performance, and network respect), career performance (based on Viberate points, which seems to take cues from whats been going on with your career on other platforms like Shazam or YouTube), total fan base distribution, fanbase evolution through time, fanbase growth, audience map, and more. Your email address will not be published. It compiles all of your favorite artists and presents them on a Coachella-style lineup poster. Discover Quickly is a fun tool for finding new music you might enjoy. After running the shortcut a few times and generating multiple reports, you may notice slowdowns when typing search queries in the Safari address bar. Spotify is a popular digital music service with over 400 million active users. WebMenu. Despite the fact that most of the industry is focusing on Spotify and Apple Music, Pandora should not be ignored. It'll also show you your top five obscure Now youve got a ton of fun tools to play with. Play counts are not specific by year. My understanding is that this is a memory-related issue. Click Continue to proceed. Go to the Obscurify website, connect your Spotify account, and check how obscure (or not) your listening is in real time.
Aside from your monthly stats, Spotify also provides in-depth statistics on your listening habits, branded as Spotify Wrapped.
Stay tuned for the latest updates and recommendations from the Calibbr team. What is your favorite way to track Spotify stats? As a programmer and music lover, seeing all that data was In the app, tap Login with Spotify.. During this period, you can see your Spotify stats and a summary of your listening activities presented in a fun way. But which one is cheapest? 2 / post-teen pop. But you can choose to hide it from your poster. The color gives you the breakdown and representation of what the color means based on your Spotify activities. CD Baby also lets you view top tracks, activity by location, unique listeners, devices, play sources, age, and top playlists. Spotify Color Palette. We have a great list of Spotify tips and tricks. On the analysis page, youll find information on your: Using the NPRcore app is relatively straightforward. Obscurify is an app which allows you to see how obscure your music taste is compared to other users. Spotify Wrapped 2022: How to Find Your Top Songs, An ultimate list of cool music websites and tools, Most-Viewed and Most-Liked YouTube Music Videos (2023), Visit the Receiptify website on your device, Log into your Spotify via the Receiptify website, Confirm that you want Receiptify to access your Spotify account. You may receive a Couldnt communicate with a helper application error message at the end of the shortcut.
Obscurity displays your Spotify listening history via the Spotify Web API.
Share Tweet. Users have been using this feature to make playlists for them and their friends, using their star signs to create the perfect combination that's bound to please every one. You can choose three different periods for the statistics above: the last month, the last six months, or all time. It takes users previous listening history, genres, and general music tastes and Notify me of follow-up comments by email. For your playlist to stand out, you must give it a great name. You can also log in with your Facebook, Apple, or Google account if these platforms are connected to your Spotify account. Im not saying thats bad; Im just wishing there was a little more to it. You can choose to log in with Spotify or Apple Music. Select your username in the top-right corner of the display to bring up a drop-down menu. I look forward to the day when, at the end of the year, Apple Music will send me a personalized report with a detailed, in-depth look at my listening habits for the past year. If you want results for a different country, change the Search iTunes Store actions accordingly. The main thing to pay attention to would be recent transactions, since youll be able to see exactly how many times your tracks have been streamed on Spotify. Remember though, none of what you've learned will matter if you don't know how to get your music out there and earn from it.
You also get access to daily iTunes and Beatport downloads, overall download trends, and other important Beatport stats (like subscribers and charting songs). Once youre in, youll select your zodiac sign, and the app will show you five of your favorite songs that align with the sign you picked. It will direct you to the Spotify web app, where youll enter your account username and password. We have compiled more than 580. It will direct you to the Spotify web app. It will direct you to the NPRcore score page, as shown above.
According to Olivero, if you listen to a lot of Drake, Kanye, or Kendrick, youll be closer to the average. If youre an artist, I hope you find plenty of valuable insights that help you take your music career beyond. Ive always been annoyed by the lack of a similar feature in Apple Music; Im surprised that Apple still hasnt added a native Year in Review option a baffling omission given how the company is already collecting all of the necessary data points in the cloud. If you have Spotify Premium, you can directly plan songs on I brought all of these issues to the attention of the Shortcuts team at Apple, and I hope theyll be able to ship more flexible and reliable Apple Music filtering actions in the future. So, you can get a detailed chart of your music taste by viewing your most-listened albums, artists, and genres. Obscurify also shows users their favorite artists and songs from the past. The trending & analytics section lets you view your streaming activity (on Spotify or Apple Music) within a date range (last seven days, last 30 days, last 60 days, last 90 days, and custom). If youre an artist, Lite is enough to get started, as its free forever. Click on Apps The premium tier unlocks advanced stats such as stream counts, time streamed, and the number of tracks and albums youve listened to. CD Baby vs Songcast vs TuneCore, Which Is Cheapest? [Ultimate Guide], How to Connect Two AirPods to One iPad [Complete Guide], How to Change Your AirPods Pro Tips to Find the Best Fit, Audiophile Acronyms and Abbreviations That You Should Know, [Glossary] Common Audio Technical Terms That You Should Know, [Glossary] An Audiophile Guide to Describing Sound, Review: Creative Sound Blaster X5 Packed to the Gills, Is TangZu Lying? The duration is longer than 30 seconds song filter just doesnt work. Receiptifyhas taken off on social media lately, thanks to thousands of people sharing their Spotify Receipts on Instagram and encouraging others to do the same. But they dont hesitate to talk up their SymphonicMS platform that collects relevant data from Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, and Pandora. Sort your music: Lets you sort your playlist by all kinds of different parameters such as BPM, artist, length and more.
Your listening habits are also displayed in many ways, such as how much you listen to acoustic music versus electronic music, as well as how happy you are with the music you are listening to. How to Generate a Spotify Receipt Using Receiptify on Mobile, How to Generate a Spotify Receipt Using Beatspend for iOS, share a collaborative playlist on Spotify. Blog/Testimonials/Song Idea Generator/Rap Name Generator/Band Name Generator / Streaming Royalty Calculator /Other Pages And Resources/Contact Us/Cookie Policy/Privacy Policy, Spotify Stats, 17 Best Sites & Apps To Analyze Your Data, How To Sell Music On iTunes in 2023 Also Get On Tital, Amazon MP3, Spotify, Rhapsody, Napster And More, How To Submit Your Music To Pandora, And Why Youd Even Want To.
Beatchains artist insights, hyperlinks / pre-saves, and fan builder features are all free. These cards display your most-played songs, tracks, genres, and podcasts. I had to come up with JavaScript-based hacks for sorting numbers and string de-duplication (without actually showing Safari inside the shortcut! Its compatible with Spotify and rates your library based on obscurity. Read More CD Baby vs Songcast vs TuneCore, Which Is Cheapest?Continue, Facebook likes, Instagram followers, Spotify plays what do these things have in common?
Stats for Spotify is a free third-party app that can give you an in-depth history of your listening habits over the last four weeks, six months, and all time. Well also look at what you need to do once you get your music on these sites, and how to make the most, Read More How To Sell Music On iTunes in 2023 Also Get On Tital, Amazon MP3, Spotify, Rhapsody, Napster And MoreContinue, Want to know how to get your music on Pandora? Therefore, to keep track of your Spotify activities, here are a few Spotify stats tools to help you get started! For Beatspend, you can only generate Spotify receipts. Today were going to show you how to get music on iTunes, Amazon MP3, Napster, Spotify, and a whole load of other online music stores using Songcast (Free to create a account). It displays your listening history, giving you the same satisfaction of a Spotify Wrapped, while also defining your top genres and recommending under-the-radar songs. If youve linked your Facebook, Apple, or Google account to Spotify, you can also sign in with one of those accounts.
Since Spotify has become a part of our daily lives, knowing how much your listening habits have changed over time isnt just fascinating. This website works with colors to depict your music taste. It will be an exciting one to watch. By default, the shortcut searches for songs in your Top 10 using the United States iTunes Search API. As suggested by the name,Festify takes users' favorite artists and turns them into a musical festival line up visual. So, if you ever wanted to know whether you primarily listen to mainstream or independent artists, this is a fun little entry. Tap Agree to grant permission and proceed. First and foremost, youll find that running the shortcut for the same number of songs and the same year multiple times may result in slightly different counts for top artists and songs. These apps have nothing to do with how much you spend on your Spotify or Apple Music subscription. She is currently completing her Masters degree in Journalism, and already holds a Bachelors degree in English Language and Linguistics. The section below includes a Share with your friends button for sharing your Obscurify profile on social networking. Most artists know that to gain any traction on streaming platforms, they must get their music playlisted. Then get our free 5 Steps To Profitable Youtube Music Career' ebook emailed directly to you! The apple itself is a very simple, yet profound music. To get started, you must log in to your Spotify account to allow the AI access to the type of music, genre, and artists you listen to over time. Like Beatchain or Soundcharts, you can connect a variety of streaming and social media sites for access to additional data. Listeners have been sharing their Festify visual and talking about their dream festival line up, with some varying results. It even analyzes the year of release for each song and displays a graph of the Most of this data probably wont surprise you, especially if you mostly listen to the same albums and playlists repeatedly, but Stats For Spotify does give you the ability to create playlists based on the data, which is a handy and fun function. Your campaigns will do better if you get the targeting right. Click On Apps And Click Remove Access Beside Obscurify On the Account Overview page, scroll down until you see the Apps section.
A pop-up will ask permission to let Beatspend sign in using your Spotify account. 0. Image credit: Unsplash. Moreover, to use Stats for Spotify, you have to link it to your Spotify account to get your Spotify activity analyzed. Obscurify is an app which allows you to see how obscure your music taste is compared to other users. Let us know in the comment what you think about the future plan of Obscurify. Creating beautiful visuals,Kaleidosync makes music visualisations using colors and designs linked with the artist or song currently playing. And, after the fog of rah-rah is clear, theres a good chance nobody will even care. Learn how to use Receiptify and Beatspend to get a recap of your Spotify activity. Music Analytics costs a nominal $2 per month. Spotifyartistsand stats displayed as Pokmon cards, beautiful visuals,Kaleidosync makes music visualisations, Top 10 Movie Musicals Of The 2020s (So Far), According to Rotten Tomatoes. Click on Continue to proceed. ! Try These 7 Fail-Safe Solutions, 580+ Best Spotify Playlist Name Ideas for Every Mood and Season. Its a satirical project that uses code to mix jokes in a database with some insights found about the artists, tracks, and genres on your Spotify. We know that there are plenty of you who are very much into mainstream music. Now heres a fun analyzer. Can You Change Notification Sounds On iPhone? However, Beatspend will charge you if you want to send money to your top artists. Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, and other services have improved over time. Soon, youll be on your way to discovering your most played songs and artists on Spotify, finding new songs youll love, and other trivia around it to see how unique your taste in music is. It sorts your favorite tracks, artists, and albums using minutes streamed, number of streams, and machine learning. If youre already using iMusician as your distributor, youll certainly want to check out their new analytics tool. Mind you, the bot can be pretty snarky! Required fields are marked *. It also provides a breakdown of your acoustic, happy and danceable It will direct you to the Spotify web app, where youll enter your account username and password. Some alternatives are Instafest and Festify, which let you create a music festival lineup of your top artists. When youre done, tap Log out below the Download Image button. Research released in January determined that Spotify was the biggest globally, with a 31% share in 2021, albeit down from 33% in 2020. How To Release An Album Thatll Blow Fans Socks Off! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How To Write A Song Obscurify is the stats for Spotify website for you. But Apple doesnt seem interested in adding this feature to Apple Music, so I decided to build my own using Shortcuts. What does that mean? Additionally, you and other visitors can see several statistics, including your: To use, simply log in using your Spotify account. We cover the latest movies, TV shows, and music, providing detailed reviews and analysis of the newest releases and trends. Want to learn how to do that? A pop-up will ask permission to let Beatspend sign in using your Spotify account. But first, if it's your aim to do music professionally, you'll want to check out our free ebook while it's still available: Free eBook: Discover how real independent musicians like you are making $4,077 - $22,573+ monthly via Youtube, let me know where to send the details: There are some great Spotify analytics tools for artists available, but the number is limited. It will direct you to the Spotify web app, where youll enter your account username and password. How Bad Is Your Spotify? Music Analytics also provides you with audience data as well as revenue. This idea was actually central to the plan when I first began coding, he continues.
The Top 25 playlist created by Apple Music Wrapped. Viberate has long described itself as the IMDb of the music industry, and as their platform continues to grow, so do their offerings. 5 / electropop. The best way of describing it is as a higher tempo version of rumba. In that time, members have enjoyed nearly 400 weekly and monthly newsletters packed with more of your favorite MacStories writing as well as Club-only podcasts, eBooks, discounts on apps, icons, and services. While Im sure I forgot about some weird edge cases (and if you run into issues, please let me know), Im happy about the fact that this shortcut runs fast, has no external dependencies, and doesnt save any additional configuration/cache files in the users iCloud Drive account. You will be directed to the Account Overview page, which contains all of your account information. If youre a listener, then I hope you had some good laughs learning more about your listening habits and musical tastes. These apps will also generate music festival posters. After a few seconds, look at your Spotify receipt and filter it by top tracks, top artists, top genres, and stats in the last month, six months, or since you started using Spotify. And instantly, youll get an insight into your music activities, such as the most played genres, your top tracks and artists, and your Obscurify ranking (how obscure your music taste is) for the past months. It can also help you discover more about who you are. Zydeco 4 / pop dance. She covers a wide range of movies and TV shows, for anything nerdy she's your girl. Stats For Spotify is a relatively basic offering. Receiptify is all the rage at the moment, but there are a bunch of other awesome music apps that'll analyze your music taste and give you cool facts.
After a few seconds, you can look at your Spotify receipt and filter by top tracks, top artists, top genres, and stats in the last month, six months, or since you started using Spotify. Michael Myers True Story [Explained 2023], Tips On How To Use Sound To Get Water Out Of Phone, Retribution Anthems: 25 Songs Of Revenge-Fueled Fury, Light Up Your Gatherings With Our Best 25 Campfire Songs, Radiohead Albums Ranked From Worst To Best, Love In Every Genre: Our Top 40 Valentines Day Songs, Name Of A Movie You Cant Remember Heres How To Find It, Top 20 Best Long Anime Series To Watch In 2023, Top 20 Sad Rap Songs To Listen When You Are Depressed, Top 30 Movies About Loneliness [Updated 2023], Best 12 Korean Movies To Stream On Netflix Right Now. WebOn Apple Music, only one person can own a playlist and make changes to it. It also tells users how obscure their music taste is, making it exciting to compare with friends. Combine the data, and youre sure to come up with some fresh insights and tactics around them to get your music out there. Obscurify will take your data from Spotify and offer an overview of your top genres, obscurity rating, your most obscure artists and tracks, current top artists, your moods, by the decades, and even recommendations. Unfortunately, thats about all you get from Instafest. The receipt also contains an estimated amount of royalties youve paid to the artists. To use Zodiac Affinity, all you need to do is go to their website and log in with your Spotify account. Follow these instructions to generate your Spotify receipt using Beatspend for macOS: Tip: Spotify lets users share songs in several ways. You can also download the result as an image to share with others. On this page, you can share what youre listening to on Spotify and showcase a Play Favorites button that lets others listen to your favorite tracks. It shows how niche your festival isthe lower the score, the more niche it is. After fetching your listening history, head to My Insights to find your Spotify stats. Obscurify can help you find out. Official Apple Music Wrapped functionality would bolster the services catalog of personalized features, providing users with a reward at the end of the year in the form of reports and playlists to help them rediscover what they listened to over the past year. Learn more about your music taste and compare it to others with Obscurify. Soukous is dance music from the Congo Basin in Africa. On this app, you can find out some interesting statistics about your listening habits, including: The obscurity percentage is a score that compares how rare your Spotify listening habit is compared to other users in your region. Apple Music Wrapped pushes the limits of what is possible to achieve with the Find Music Where and Open URLs actions of the Shortcuts app. Theres only so much data I can parse with Shortcuts (buggy) Apple Music actions; ideally, Apple should copy Spotifys approach and build their own report with more precise stats for songs and genres, details about devices you listened on, days of the week when youre the most active, and so forth. Click on Agree to grant permission. It is always available towards the end of each year, usually every December.
Of course, youve got your standard playlist count, milestones, other artists fans are listening to, and more. The software allows users to create groups and quizzes with friends to see who can get the highest score. Additionally, you can also share your Obscurify result with friends through a unique link. So for now, my plan is to make little adjustments until I can get the time together to do it..
Most of the artists I listen to showed up below the iceberg. But if you dont want your listening habit available publicly, you can also set it to private. This website works with colors to depict your music taste. Spotify For Artists also offers several useful tools under the categories of: Spotify is continually improving Spotify For Artists, unlike some companies that like to hide audience and customer data behind walled gardens. The AI analyses the music you listen to on Spotify and judges how good or bad your music taste is. The Top 25 playlist cant be automatically shared by Shortcuts with a link. Unfortunately, it doesnt have a download button. Click on Agree to grant permission and proceed. Its a free web-based app that lets you filter out your favorite tracks based on the 12 zodiac signs. Founded in 2015, Club MacStories has delivered exclusive content every week for over six years. In the mobile app, you get a Find your soulmates feature where you can connect and chat with other users with similar music tastes. How To Play Guitar
Each position on the list is weighted differently, so if your most popular artists are higher on the list, your score will be higher..
Click Continue to proceed. When Spotify was my music streaming service of choice, one of the features I really liked was its personalized Wrapped report generated at the end of the year. Clean up your inbox today and keep it that way forever with SaneBox.
Obscurify must connect to your Spotify account as a third-party app in order to view your data. Whether you're a movie buff, a TV addict, or a music lover, we've got you covered. Spotify Wrapped is a tool on Spotify that helps users view the summary of their annual Spotify activities. Iam the only one using Spotify. Users are given anObscurity rating based on their top tracks. It also shows you the top artists you listened to throughout the year. Obscurify provides you with an overall rating based on your music preferences. Apple Music Wrapped generates a personalized music report that, by default, collects your 100 most-played songs added to your library in any given year since Apple Music was launched in 2015, sorting them from largest to smallest play count. We have discussed all about in detail as well as how you can create a receipt for yourself. You just need to visit their website and click Log in with Spotify. Working with Spotify and Apple Music, users are able to input their data to get judged and criticised by this AI, who gives unsolicited opinions about the users music history. It takes users previous listening history, genres, and general music tastes and recommends songs they may not have heard before that they might like. The media radar could be of interest too.
Does anyone know of a similar app or website to obscurify? Local notifications are used to display progress while the shortcut is running.
Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, If you have connected your Facebook, Apple, or Google accounts to your Spotify account, you can also log in with one of those accounts. 6. It is a third-party app for Spotify that can help you determine where your music taste ranks among thousands of others users. Read further to know more about Obscurify. What Is Obscurify? Developed by Alex Olivero and Nirmal Patel, Obscurify is a web application that helps users better understand their music tastes. Youve got a bunch of followers, and your fans are listening to your music. With this in mind, allow me to clarify a few important points about issues and limitations that are unfortunately outside of my control. As always, lets take a look at the final result before examining some of the underlying details and limitations of the shortcut. All you need to do is visit Stats for Spotify > log in with Spotify > click Agree > start exploring your statistics. You can view your listening history on wrapped cards. Anytime you wish to stop using a third-party app for tracking your Spotify stats, all you need to do is revoke account access granted to the app. All you have to do to utilize Obscurify is go to . To take a screenshot of your receipt, tap Generate Final.. If youre curious about how unique or obscure your Spotify listening habit is, then Obscurify is the app for you. The website initially displays your top 12 artists/songs, but you can view up to 50 of your favorites by clicking the Show More option. If youre in the mood for some cheeky roasting about your Spotify listening habit, you should try Judge My Music by The Pudding. After all, this data is incredibly useful to have at the ready for your marketing and advertising efforts and in determining your next steps. Of course, if thats all it did, the tool would be unnecessary. A pop-up will ask permission to let Beatspend sign in using your Spotify account. As a result, selecting Spotify over one of its many competitors is no longer the simple choice it once was. In the past few weeks, I (and other testers) have run into limitations and inconsistencies worth pointing out both for MacStories readers and Shortcuts engineers at Apple. First, youll be able to choose whether or not you want to create a playlist containing your Top 25 songs of the year; if you accept, the shortcut will create a new playlist in the Music app. On the stats page, you can find information on the following: You can also share your MusicTaste profile with others through a link. As with some of the other tools mentioned in this guide, Soundcharts will pull data from Spotify, but from a variety of sources Deezer, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud, Twitter, YouTube, Songkick, TikTok, Triller, Wikipedia, and Line Music. It doesnt offer any statistics other than how many of your favorite artists, tracks, and albums are in line with NPRs version of good music. Now, thats a whole lot better than a kick in the pants as my dad would say! Tap Log in with Spotify to connect your Spotify account. But you can still take a screenshot and share your MusicScape with others.