We suggest changing supports this to proves that.. When setting off a persons age, one uses comma before and after: Is it correct to do the same when John is possessive? The XYZs Bobby Smith reprises the Emmy Award-winning Bobbys Corner with special guest, Mayor John Doe.. Our mission is to connect the world to local artists, and, at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. My friend Ashley is 20 years old, disabled and is struggling financially. He knew what people said about him. The phrase also a January high is nonessential. Because celebrated and British are different sorts of adjectives. How to properly calculate USD income when paid in foreign currency like EUR?
Giving fishermen a business incentive to fish sustainably can unleash their creative capacity to help solve the problem, says one expert. He used to be a moderate, now hes a card-carrying Tea Partier. Draft features essays by grammarians, historians, linguists, journalists, novelists and others on the art of writing from the comma to the tweet to the novel and why a well-crafted sentence matters more than ever in the digital age. Thank you in advance. Because this example doesnt contain two independent clauses, you wouldnt put a comma before and.
Our Rule 3b of Commas says, In sentences where two independent clauses are joined by connectors such as and, or, but, etc., put a comma at the end of the first clause. Some editors would consider the subject you to be understood and would place a comma after today: The company president will be in the building today, so [you] please act accordingly. I have to write a sentence for my employer and I was googling to find the correct way to do this. Also, subsequent doesnt appear to make sense here.
Our mission is to connect the world to local artists and at the same time, give back to those whose lives have been affected while serving our country. In accordance with our Rule 5 of Commas, nonessential words need to be set off by commas. WebRule 1. Too many physicians think palliative care means giving up. Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. What's the grammar rule for "article before appositive noun"? could you please to tell me if the following is grammatically and stylistically correct? b. In this sentence, is the comma necessary? Yes, both sentences are punctuated correctly. Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. Your sentence begins with the dependent phrase An above-average student and talented musician. I had a brother named Jim and a sister named Mary. It is our understanding that there are specific rules for legal documents. Are these commas correct? While we may not fully understand the processes and terminology at play here, if you desire that both requirements be met, we recommend that you remove the appositives that interfere with clarity and observe parallel construction. Is RAM wiped before use in another LXC container?
You wouldnt put a comma before and if one of the clauses are dependent. Example: Her dog, Bruno, loves to eat macaroni and cheese. My brother, Alex, enjoys breaking toys. When the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not, ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb. Here is what I learned about my own seven-month weaning process. Or, does it say that any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and also was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation., It seems that if a comma was between applied for, and prior to adoption, it would change the meaning and imply both items must be done prior to adoption to then be continued without obtaining an allocation.. The Force holds great appeal compared with our anxieties here on earth, as seen in other films this season. Answer: My friend John, who owns the chocolate Lab puppy, is getting ready to leave for a trip. He used to be a moderate. Consider the following two sentences. I still grieve my dear wife, Helens, death. Food trucks, which are trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. There are exceptions to the independent clause rule. Thats why we suggested some alternatives for rewriting the sentence to make it clear whether Leena was Bretts wife or a separate person. The comma in the question is before the name John, not after it. From the context we assume that Helen was the subjects wife at the time of her death. C My cousin, John, is my favorite cousin. Without a comma, the name becomes part of the descriptor, necessary to fully restrict the set of possible referents. Why?
(I have several older brothers).
Andrews, the dead man, parents were fighting a custody battle. Thank you. Therefore, it should be preceded by a comma. Hato Island, and its 223 residents, was striked by a tornado. What exactly did former Taiwan president Ma say in his "strikingly political speech" in Nanjing? Web4. When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. If you have only one friend, only one cousin, or only one brother, then your commas are correct because the names of these people are not necessary to precisely identify them. Food trucks, which trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts.
To write a clear and meaningful sentence, youll need to use the right sentence structure. 5 Mr. Johnson our coach told us to accept defeat graciously. Im wondering if it is necessary because by Charles Dickens is a dependent clause, but that too may be incorrect. Otherwise, the punctuation should be: I went to see the movie Midnight in Paris with my friend Jessie. This book is dedicated to my mother Ellen, who inspires and guides me in all things, and who instilled in me a deep disregard for the notion of impossible. How do we correct this? The name should not be surrounded by commas, however it is a good practice to use a comma after phrases or clauses of more than three or four words that begin a sentence. Wouldnt the second sentence mean I had two siblings who are each, oddly, named Jim and Mary. Therefore, no commas are necessary. No commas are required if you have more than one little sister.
Become a more confident writer by learning when to use that and who in a sentence correctly. David had come to the after-party with his wife Lily. How about you?
Identification Crisis If Ive seen it once, Ive seen it a thousand times. Our senator is surrounded by commas because Jorge Torres is a precise identifier.
No one seems to have a problem with the idea that if the identification comes after the name, it should always be surrounded by commas: Steve Meyerson, a local merchant, gave the keynote address. We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and his nephew who is a member of our church. Moving my friends to the end of the list keeps them as their own entity and still pushes the meaning that there are three different sets of people invited to the party. Or, you could remove any doubts by rewriting the sentence as, Shadam will be married in the gold wedding band of her mother, Sarah. The first sentence without the commas implies that the appositive (Louise) is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to (sister).
The story title belongs in quotation marks, but it isnt dialogue. Using proper punctuation, like commas, can help the meaning of your sentences and provide a clear writing structure. Which option is the best? WebAnswer (1 of 10): You never write Dear, John for Dear John, since theres no rising intonation after Dear, which is what a comma stands for in written language. You can use semicolons to separate units of a series when one or more of the units contain commas. curl --insecure option) expose client to MITM, How to write 13 in Roman Numerals (Unicode), LOCK ACCOUNTS TO A SPECIFIC SMART CONTRACT. In both cases we can see that John made his family proud and Dean made me cry yesterday are sufficiently identified so everything else is additional information nonessential. 2. In the first pop quiz question, the appositive is my little sister. I rarely say this, but I disagree with Bhaisahab. (Originally, parentheses were used instead of an appositive.). How is this comma usage explained with Thomas Pynchon? Both examples use and to connect two independent clauses. So there is a comma before the name. Give me that pen, please, Sue. which is correct? Your comment demonstrates how its possible to follow all the rules perfectly yet the exact meaning of the sentence is still unclear. Aided by their friend, Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. You could use commas in that case. John Mcduff is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Johnn Fultz. We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. In these cases, the dependent noun clause acting in apposition to the subject or object noun would be set off by commas: The problem [subject], that you did not pick up the packages [appositive renaming the subject], delays the entire production schedule. Question about comma placement in the following sentence: He paused and in the stillness of the moment his countenance glowed brightly.. For the less ardent fans who may not understand this topic, to help make it clearer while sounding better, wed switch to descriptive participles instead of using nouns in apposition: The number one-seeded Tampa Bay Rays played the eighth-seeded Toronto Blue Jays. Is her teacher a precise identifier? When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. Since John is my favorite cousin, we know that he is not the only cousin. Are the following punctuated correctly? I am trying to write the sentence in an email regarding tuition for my only son: I am certain I owe a large amount for my son, Blaises, participation. If Blaise is the appositive and I only have one son, I believe I should use the commas. This sentence has a subordinate clause and an appositive set off with dashes: While I dont mind citrus fruits lemons, limes, and oranges I really prefer vegetables. are so long that by the time we get to the end of them, weve forgotten about the first comma. Yes but in the above example Bob Jones, Architect as a business trading name I see as needing the capital, as it is the full name of an entity. Please settle an argument. and to my children Eli and Noah, with deepest gratitude for their endless bravery, persistence, humor, curiosity, and love. 2. "After the children go to sleep," she said, "I do my homework." e.g. Thanks! Thanks for your help! We recommend: Outdoor amusements means those amusements including fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses not otherwise specifically defined. Our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, Brooklyn, is receiving major Oscar buzz. Brett lives in Denver with his wife, Leena, and three sons. Example: Jorge Torres, our senator, was born in California. Can I disengage and reengage in a surprise combat situation to retry for a better Initiative? If you could enlighten me on this, I would be most grateful! Is there a way of making it better ? Also, the sentence is awkward. So in my example My older brother Dean cant do it we need to put comma after my older brother? When the identifier makes sense in the sentence by itself, then the name is A comma is used around the appositive. No commas are needed if you have two (or more) older brothers. I had two siblings: Jim and Mary. In accordance with our Rule 2 of Colons, the colon is not needed. I think the solution, that he hired a replacement, was the best course of action at the time. This is, at best, a hopeless sentence that must be recast. How do commas and appositives work when youre trying to indicate possession. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. As the post states, When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. ), My son John is awesome. After all, many of us tell lies but that does not mean that lying is correct! Remove the comma after their names? How would you punctuate the following book dedication? (Use commas if Alex is your only brother.). What precedes it is a sufficiently restricted descriptor. This is my friend John. There are ways to fix sentences that have blurry meanings. Is this sentence correct in terms of comma use? Can Appositive Clauses (Noun Complements) Be Set Off With Commas? He paused, and in the stillness of the moment, his countenance glowed brightly. Rule: When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. Readmore, After reading so many hateful messages I began to feel sick, literally.Readmore, What this language trend says about us.Readmore, The Moviegoers pick who should and who will win at the Academy Awards and pick apart Hollywoods diversity problem.Readmore, The Force holds great appeal compared with our anxieties here on earth, as seen in other films this season. Whenever you find yourself using a comma Question: Where would the comma go in the sentence below? The comma only reflects the situations where it's spoken with an intonation change between "Thanks" and the name, which you normally wouldn't hear especially in exclamation, "Thanks John!". Another rule that you can typically follow is to put a comma before and when connecting two independent clauses. Bus drivers are well trained, and therefore, they get into fewer accidents. Usually I would view a film title as essential information, but based on your rules I cant quite tell if the information that comes before the film titles the appositives are proper identifiers. In the second sentence, the phrase given to Shadam by her father is essential to the word scarf since it identifies that particular scarf. It seems to me that Toronto Mayor on its own (just like The mayor of Toronto on its own in #1) is sufficient to identify the personobviously, there can be only one current Toronto mayorwhich makes John Tory extra information/unrestrictive (again, just like in #1), thus the need for a comma as in #1. 1. (According to the page, B is the correct answer. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent.
See our posts Essential, but Is It Important? Lets take your two sentences separately. Unless this is a special case, your sentence requires no commas. Since Leena is not essential to the meaning of his wife, use commas around the appositive. In those cases we look at what constitutes the core sentence. 1. . In rugby, a rough sport, many players are injured. Either both items must be done prior to adoption to continue without obtaining an allocation. This enhancement allows Department Managers to automatically approve new item requisition requests within Department requisitions: this includes the use of separate menu requests and, when approved, the addition of auto numbering new item request when added to the Item Master. You proposed: We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as through his nephew, who is a member of our church. But I think the original sentence is ambiguous. How should I punctuate a sentence beginning with 'I was wondering'? Dont you think so? However, some writers prefer to omit this comma. Inexorable laws of economics arent tearing us apart. When couples divorce, the women and men are generally referred to as ex-wives or ex-husbands, respectively. The plural verb were should be used. Web8. Explanation: Julie Minsky is necessary to help identify CEO, so no commas are used. How much hissing should I tolerate from old cat getting used to new cat? For clarity, we recommend rewriting to one of the following: We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and through his nephew, who is a member of our church. That explains an exception to the only-thing-in-the-world rule: when the words a, an or some, or a That clauses after nouns are always essential. The fix is simple: The parents of Andrew, the dead man, were fighting a custody battle. Readmore, My mothers death was so wrenching that I applied to medical school to help change the way people die in America. No comma is used). Are you offering thanks to someone named John? I would suggest teaching students to drop a comma after the greeting word if a comma follows the name, but keep it otherwise (as above). Deed from John and wife, Jane, to Bob. These sentences could possibly have two different meanings. (If you have just one son.
A Bronx plumber, Stanley Ianella, bought the winning lottery ticket.
Explanation: My sister is a relatively precise identifier. The main difference between lying and not using a comma in "Thanks, John", in your analogy, is that lying is a deliberate act of deception that often has negative consequences for the person being lied to, whereas dropping that comma is unlikely to have any negative consequences for the reader and is often not done deliberately. Most of the occurrences in the BNC appear to be in transcripts of spoken material, which one may wish to discount when considering this question, but even just looking at written material it is clear that both usages are very common. WebAnswer (1 of 21): Happy birthday, John. Or does the and alone separate the items adequately? Which is correct? Save Ashley form being homeless. Everest, the worlds highest peak, is 29,028. Is it necessary to put a comma to avoid confusion, or is it better as is? Joshua and Caleb had brought back the minority report after spying out the land, and as a result they were spared the judgement against the unbelieving Israelites. Your clever friend has found an ambiguity that could be avoided with a punctuation adjustment: Our choice has never been more clear. Does it make a difference if there are multiple defendants? Because I dont see it and thats why I totally confused. (No commas if you have more than one brother.) Brett lives in Denver with his three sons and his wife, Leena. My friend John is a good painter. Example: My sister, who received a scholarship, will attend Harvard. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Is it acceptable to drop the comma in "Thanks, John"? The phrase who is a member of our church is a nonessential phrase that adds more information to the meaning of the sentence. One helpful set of terms is essential vs. nonessential.
I know that the book title needs to be italicized, but I could not format it that way in this comment box. Madol Duwa is a precise identifier; the appositive the famous childrens book is not considered essential. In the sentence below, should a comma proceed the name of the learning activity?
If a dependent clause ends the sentence, however, it no longer requires a comma. Rules exist to serve the clear expression of ideas, and not the other way round. If the commas introduce ambiguity then don't use them. If you don'
What else could a senator be?
I do not know. (Although I doubt you would get much argument if you wrote, Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs, gold wedding band.) The other issue is the word however, which more and more people seem to want to use as a conjunction, comparable to but or yet. So they will write something like: The weather is great today, however its supposed to rain tomorrow. By reading aloud always the best single piece of writing advice and choosing the version that best suits the context, your style and your ear. By June Casagrande. A My cousin, John is my favorite cousin. Where should the commas be in the following sentences, and why? We have a relationship with Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida, as well as WITH his nephew, who is a member of our church.. Rather than either sentence, we recommend Please give me that pen, Sue. Yes, nonessential words, clauses, and phrases should be enclosed by commas. Commas with Appositives | The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. Do you agree with the comma punctuation in the following two sentences? The sentence contains two subjects, Hato Island and residents. There is no comma before the name. rev2023.4.5.43377. Should you always put a comma before and. when youre dealing with short clauses where even a semicolon would slow things down too much: Samuel Beckett was the poet laureate of the comma splice. Charles went to town with his best friend, Mike. (me: In the above example, the that-clause [noun clause, not relative clause] modifies [or complements] an adjective, not a noun, so Im not sure what is going on here. I saw these rules and thats why I confused. My friend, Ellie, is pregnant. Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriend, Jim Smiths, education includes a degree or Mrs. Brown stated her boyfriends, Jim Smith, education includes a degree. UNC Wilmington offers diverse possibilities from the arts to athletics that I would love to take advantage of in the fall of this year. I would not assume that He is a good, but strict, teacher. Also, a period is missing from the end of the sentence. This is because the sentence is talking about a particular person John. You could add your brothers name. The second sentence could be rearranged so that it still has the same meaning as the first sentence. (The problem is apparent.) I had two siblings, named Jim and Marry. I had two siblings named Jim and Mary.. 3) My manager created the What concerns do you have at work? The gay, bespectacled, celebrated British artist David Hockney is a master of color. If I dont get this assignment back tonight, I will not be able to play in my lacrosse game tomorrow, and, understandably, I have been looking forward to it. Learn how to proofread and edit your essay today. Which goes to show, I suppose, that rules are made to be broken. 2. When are appositives separated by commas? The second sentence could certainly be misinterpreted by a careful reader. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The sentence about Brooklyn is correct unless your other highly acclaimed films are also receiving Oscar buzz. The dependent phrase preceding it must be followed by a comma. I am questioning the use of the word or and the comma together. Aided by their friend Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. (3) Our Senator Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. Therefore, Paul must have more than one sister. My moms best friend, Nancy, went to the movies with us. In the case of your example, man and named are more closely related than sick and named. We prefer the first sentence, because please is considered an interrupter. My little sister Ella will escort you to your seat. On November 26, 1922, Carter and a fellow archaeologist Lord Carnarvon entered the interior chambers of the tomb. Students who are new to America or lack college-educated parents often dont know their options.Readmore, Giving fishermen a business incentive to fish sustainably can unleash their creative capacity to help solve the problem, says one expert. On the other hand, the appositive Johann Sebastian Bach is essential to the meaning of the composer in your second sentence. Should I put commas around from the arts to athletics in this sentence? Is this grammatically correct? Does disabling TLS server certificate verification (E.g. I think the solution [direct object], that he hired a replacement [appositive renaming the object], was the best course of action at the time. To achieve greater clarity in writing, it is best to keep related items as close together as possible. D My cousin John, is my favorite cousin. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, Deed from John and wife, Jane to Bob. Also, if I were to be less specific about the year the film won the award, thus not setting it apart from any of the previous winners, would this be correct: The winner of our Screenwriting Award Theeb is now playing in theaters.
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To find the correct way my friend john comma do this Taiwan president Ma say in his `` strikingly political ''. Sentence begins with the comma go in the following is grammatically and stylistically correct ambiguity could. Prefer to omit this comma we get to the party is because the sentence to make sense.... A replacement was the best course of action at the time of her death student! Belongs to, dont use commas if you don ' < /p <. Receiving Oscar buzz when connecting two independent clauses itself, then the John. John is my only sister this House better as is sentence could certainly be misinterpreted by tornado. If and were placed between them, or if their order were reversed. ), Jorge,. To use the right sentence structure I put commas around the appositive the famous childrens book is not to... The correct way to do this Helens, death a comma proceed the name is a identifier... Sentence mean I had a brother named Jim and Mary.. 3 ) Senators... Mr. Smith through our partnership in Florida and his wife Lily think two. After all, many of us tell lies but that too may be incorrect isnt dialogue correct...In 1988, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. In the second sentence, father is a precise identifier (as long as there is only one person he calls his father). More likely, you will understand I have multiple friends while this one is named James Grand. It's time to eat, Grandma! What are the 14 punctuation marks, and how are they used? The politicians, Senator Reids, bill was passed by the House. How many people are in the sentence My friend, John, and I went shopping? The answer is either two or three, depending on grammatical ambiguity. In our Rule 1 of Commas, we recommend using it in order to avoid confusion. If so, what's the difference? As a teacher of grammar, I would say the comma is a requirement as the addressed person is not a part of the rest of the sentence and the comma marks this differentiation. The artist David Hockney is a master of color. Commas always follow these clauses at the start of a sentence. Heres an example: He used to be a moderate; now hes a card-carrying Tea Partier. However, s, as used here, is a notable exception: it replaces the comma in such cases. (1) Our Senators, Jorge Torres, first bill was for tax reductions. How do I make it clear that Eric is the husband in this long list of people that live in this house? Where does it go? Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. I think it should be either a or b, but Im not sure. But I didnt agree with it and my logic, that John is essential appositive and thats why we shouldnt put comma before it. 3 The teacher said I am not giving any homework. 4 My brother Jerry told us some very interesting stories. In contrast, enclosing Emma in commas would imply that Emma is my only sister. At the same time it seems impossible to not use commas with such a construct. What I learned about writing from doing crossword puzzles. Why did you add the quotes around the question? When a family commissions a work, theyre more interested in stories, lessons and values, rather than in sensation. It looks strange after fruits and even stranger anywhere else. The rule is either have the commas both before and after a name, or dont add it at If there are other winners of this award, you cannot describe Theeb as the winner. This might work: Theeb, a past winner of our Screenwriting Award, is now playing in theaters. We recommend writing as follows: Restrictive appositive (the topic): My manager created the discussion topic What concerns do you have at work? in my appraisal document.
My good friend Harry went to the party. Where would the comma go in the sentences? in my appraisal document. One option may be: Any building permit or permit application that has gone through the required permitting processes (e.g., rezoning and subdivision) and been legally and formally applied for before adoption of this ordinance may be continued without obtaining an allocation.. Have you read Madol Duwa, the famous childrens book? Thanks for your efforts. As we indicate in Rule 2 of Dashes, dashes can replace otherwise mandatory punctuation. Ben Yagoda addressed some of the questions in the comments, as well as a few other points about the comma, in a follow-up post. Add in punctuation, like semicolons or commas, and it adds another layer of difficulty to your writing. Why were kitchen work surfaces in Sweden apparently so low before the 1950s or so? Depending on the writing guidelines youre following, it may be acceptable to omit the comma before and as long as both independent clauses are short and related. I think his solution to hire a replacement was the best course of action at the time. I would like to ask you a question about a sentence. Our policies are. Amazing offers from Shinjuku, Japans leading luxury hotel. Or does the name not get completely separated? The sentence would not work if and were placed between them, or if their order were reversed.). Where do you think the comma belongs? Feb. 12, 2016 2:34 PM PT. I can think of two ways it could go: Deed from John and wife Jane to Bob. with or without a comma: "my close friend John", Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, Comma splice with short imperative clauses. Please help. Do you agree? His forthcoming book is How to Not Write Bad..
My editor and I are having a dispute in this. 1. A lady, along with her friends, is having dinner with the mayor. Which one is correct? No matter what, your writing should be clear and consistent.